Video compression

Guess what, H.264 and .mov are your friend!

The confusing world of video compression is such a joy. Who knew we would need to learn a new language filled with technical acronyms like mp4 and .wav, mp3, and .mov. Sometimes I just want to a b c my way out!

The good news is there are video compression standards that are beginning to become more commonplace.

Such as:

H.264 is becoming a common type of quicktime compression, identified as .mov. You tube, vimeo, web servers … work best with these video file types. The picture quality is very good and the file sizes are manageable.

MP3 is the comparable audio file in terms of manageable file size.

Flash compression is also quite commonplace, identified as .flv.

A helpful technical fact to know when exporting your video – it’s Kilobits per second (Kbps). The higher the number, the better the quality. 2000 kbps is the standard setting for standard definition video and 5000 kbps is the typical setting for high definition video.

But remember, it’s also a matter of file size … in this case ‘bigger is not necessarily better.’